
Hey you guys. I went down skating on Mälaren today and it was pretty much epic. Its probably been ten years since I tried my skates last.
Anyways the ice was really sketchy(altough it must be bottenfruset by now!?) and some french kids started yelling at me on my way out. I also met a lady with a dog and a cup of kaffelatte.

 Halfway to Ekerö:

Björn Gretzky

Postat av: omas

so this is english now, cool, bigger audience.

-Gjörn Bretski is the man on the dam always impressing the maáms and the the latte-dogwalking-tran althou the french kid yelled désolé glace est mince mann. DUNK! DUNK!

2010-02-11 @ 20:45:02

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